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If you have already woken up and see how others around you sleep, then walk on tiptoe, respect their sleep and discover the perfection of their own times.


If you have already woken up and see how others around you sleep, then walk on tiptoe, respect their sleep and discover the perfection of their own times.

Estos Mantras te ayudarán a sentirte mejor y aumentar tu energía: Los mantras más poderosos

These Mantras will help you feel better and inc...

Mantras have very high vibrations that are repeated a certain number of times and, because of the frequency they produce, they have the power to focus the mind and motivate...

These Mantras will help you feel better and inc...

Mantras have very high vibrations that are repeated a certain number of times and, because of the frequency they produce, they have the power to focus the mind and motivate...

Significado de las combinaciones de números según los ángeles

The angels think the combination of numbers means

Your wizard will often give you a message containing a combination of two or more numbers This is the basic meaning of three digit and two digit combination.

The angels think the combination of numbers means

Your wizard will often give you a message containing a combination of two or more numbers This is the basic meaning of three digit and two digit combination.

Esta Carta te hará reflexionar y ver la vida de otra manera

This Letter will make you reflect and see life ...

Someone very special sends a moving letter that will not leave anyone indifferent.


This Letter will make you reflect and see life ...

Someone very special sends a moving letter that will not leave anyone indifferent.

¿Quieres conocer cual es tu animal de poder?

Want to know what your power animal is?

All things in the Universe have spirit and life. The rocks, the earth, the sky, the waters, the plants and the animals are different expressions of consciousness, in different realms...


Want to know what your power animal is?

All things in the Universe have spirit and life. The rocks, the earth, the sky, the waters, the plants and the animals are different expressions of consciousness, in different realms...

Cambia tu vibración y tus deseos se harán realidad

Change your vibration and your wishes will come...

You are more than a physical being in a physical universe. You are a being of energy and vibration in a universe of energy and vibration. You transmit and receive...

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Change your vibration and your wishes will come...

You are more than a physical being in a physical universe. You are a being of energy and vibration in a universe of energy and vibration. You transmit and receive...

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